Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sweet Potato fries. (96% of my diet.)

Been a year since I last posted, and so much in my life is different! Life is weird and wonderful. That being said,  one thing is the same. I still love to cook! Throughout this exciting process of moving out and discovering the kitchen, I have concocted the BEST EVER baked sweet potato fry recipe. Seriously, ask anybody. They'll tell you they're the best.

I figure I'll share, because these are too good to keep locked away.

Sweet potato fries:

2 Sweet potatoes
2 TBSP Olive Oil
2 Tsp Brown Sugar (I know it seems weird, just TRUST.)
1/2 Tsp Onion Powder
1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 Tsp Crushed Dried Rosemary
Pepper (to taste)
Salt (to taste. The more, the better in my opinion.)

Preheat oven to 425

Put your baking sheet into your oven and let it heat up while the oven preheats. Peel and cut sweet potato into carrot stick sized pieces. (This is the best way I can think to describe this.) In a large bowl, add sweet potatoes, oil, sugar, garlic and onion powder, rosemary and pepper. Toss to combine. Pour the potatoes onto your SCREAMING hot baking sheet. Without scalding your hands off, arrange the fries into a single layer, or they'll steam and they wont get crispy. Bake for 25-30 minutes, flipping halfway through. Salt them the second they come out of the oven. Serve with fry sauce. Or don't. (But actually do, it makes everything better.) Eat. Cry. Thank me forever.

You're welcome.

Xo- Scout

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